SqM: Sponsor Rate Sheet 2014
SPECTRUM QUEER MEDIA (SqM) offers VISIBILITY and VISION to businesses, organizations and individuals that acknowledge the importance of LGBTQA multi-media platforms and the communities that support them!
Be recognized as a valued SPECTRUM PRIDE SPONSOR - Sponsorship of SPECTRUM (SqM) festivals, screenings, conferences, events and workshops are great ways to make a positive lasting impact while building a strong presence for your brand.

Digital Doyen
Building an Online Presence
A/V Virtuoso
Building an
Audio Visual Presence
Audio Artistry
Building an
Audio Presence
Print Prodigy
Building a Print Presence
Screening Preview Mention
Screening Trailer
Video Blog
Radio Preview Mention
Radio Commercial
Program Book
Screening Guidebook
Create your perfect
package by mixing your custom SPECTRUM
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